Thursday, May 15, 2008

Saving money on corporate networks

Using Linux as part of your network, you could implement interesting use cases.

No hard drive/Network boot
You can load a Linux OS on your desktop, without hard drive devices. All programs and utilities are stored on centralized server. If you have old computers you can use them as part of your network again.

You may want to use your Linux Desktop to use Windows based programs, a good approach, is use Remote Desktop (RDP) to access a Windows Server.

You cannot pay any money in order to use Linux OS. It doesn't matter how much Desktop your network has, just decide to use and start to save.

How much do you want to save?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Upgrade your Desktop to Ubuntu

If you want to try Ubuntu without hard disk installation, you could try asking for live CDs, this means Ubuntu will run from a bootable media.

About Ubuntu
Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need - a web browser, presentation, document and spreadsheet software, instant messaging and much more.

The Ubuntu promise
Ubuntu will always be free of charge, including enterprise releases and security updates. Ubuntu comes with full commercial support from Canonical and hundreds of companies around the world. Ubuntu includes the very best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the free software community has to offer. Ubuntu CDs contain only free software applications; we encourage you to use free and open source software, improve it and pass it on.

Learn more >>
Software Libre, Panama
Ubuntu Community of Panama

Get started with our consultancy, any time feel free to contact us.

See it in action...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Dissecting a Credit Card Number

In short, a great explanation about credit card number structure and how implement a Java Class Validator with those rules.

I read this article before:
Anatomy of Credit Card Numbers


Panamanian Computer Stores

These Panamanian sites have cheapest prices and websites with information about devices that you may want to buy.

Check it out
Yoytec Computer
Mercado Libre Panama :: Computacion

Expensive Sites

Optional sites
Econo Systems
Inicio Computer
Tecnisoft Panama

Enjoy them
