Saturday, July 25, 2009

VirtualBox over Leopard

I have been using VirtualBox for 4 months so far over Leopard and in my modest appreciation it works excellent. I have three virtualizations: Windows 2003 Server, Windows XP and Ubuntu. I don't have any bad feedback to report you.

Enjoy you too:

Installation over Mac OSX
Just download it and drag it into your Applications folder

Happy Virtualization
Bntz :)

Iframe inside mojoPortal

The first thing that I tried when I needed add an Iframe element embeded in UserControl, was add runat="server" attribute, but it throws an error. After the approach below, it works pefect.

HtmlGenericControl ifr = new HtmlGenericControl("iframe");
PlaceHolder1.Controls.Add(ifr); //the final trick

I read this articles before:

Happy coding
Btnz :)